Friday, August 31, 2007

Perfect World?

Okay, so it's been a while since I updated. What's new? Hmm... Nothing I guess. I feel like I'll flunk that board exam I took last Sunday, I'm still madly in love with my ex, I'm still trying to get a job, and I'm still an avid online gamer.

Oh, now that reminds me...since Philippine ROSE shut down early this August, some of us moved to Perfect World - that hot new game from Level Up! I've played in the closed beta (thanks to Willette, my dear daughter in Ragnarok, who lent me her CBT account) and I loved it. Sims 2 style character editing feature (too bad you can't edit the height), nice graphics (when maxed out), fashion items from the item mall (you can switch between the "normal" and the "fashion" clothing), and above all, it's damn free! That's right! No monthly payments, or even prepaid credits needed to play the game.

As of current, there are only a few members of Scarlet playing the game. The clan is led by Allysia (Sublimity from ROSE); I'm acting as marshall; Yuno (Aedis), Fahli (Airs/Graces), and Jia (Willette) are all captains.

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